Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28 April 2010

Today's happy thought(s)

*had dinner alone with my four year old. She requested that we go out for Thai food and wanted to eat it there. So we did.

*it's warming up a bit here. Super windy, which actually kept the day from being "too hot"

*found a sweet chalk board message from my husband ("j loves k and l" inside a heart). awwwwwwww.

Please leave a happy thought (or two. or twenty.) in the comments. Planning some "theme" happy thoughts days and would love some contributions!


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Okay, here's mine:

    My 18 year old son IMed me at work. He didn't need a thing. Just wanted to say he loved me and was looking forward to me being home.
